Sunday, February 13, 2011

So much has happened...

     Yeah, a lot of stuff has gone on.  Not all of it's good stuff...  Kind of unmotivated to type anything for the blog, but I've neglected it for so long I had to bring myself to blog about something, even though nobody even comes here (at least that I know of).

     Every time something happens I'm either too angry or sad to write about it, so I put it off until something else happens.  But then that thing isn't so great to blog about either, so I skip that one too.  It's been a vicious cycle since my last post.

     Work has been going great though.  I'm now the fastest driver in our store which is great because that means I'll get more deliveries while I'm working.  It's hilarious because one of the other drivers was complaining about getting skipped in the rotation and that it should be whoever comes back from a delivery first should get the next one, i.e. a first come first serve basis.  Well, I'll just say that didn't really work out in his favor.  Now I'm getting loaded with deliveries because the people routing us know I can handle several orders in a short period of time.  Sometimes I'll go on a delivery and get back and they won't even realize that I left.  It's awesome.

     Sadly, one of my managers got fired.  Not really sure on the details, or what she's gonna do now.  It's the same lady who gave me all that extra money in my last post.  I did get to give that money back by the way.  Even though she was mean and ruthless, I did like her.  I wanted to be looked upon by her as someone great that she could depend on.  I'm not sure if I achieved that, but that's what I wanted because I knew she'd be the hardest to please out of everyone I was working with.  Kind of like a friends close and enemies closer deal.

     And with my income I'm going to be building a gaming computer.  I want it to be a really high-end machine, something I won't have to worry about upgrading for years to come.  I'm tired of doing stuff on crap machines.  The laptop I'm on now only has 512MB of RAM, it is a hand-me-down but it's still crap, crap I'm grateful to have mind you, haha.  It's gonna be expensive, but I think it'll be worth it, and it'll definitely be future-proof.  When I start getting parts a few months down the road I'm sure there'll be posts about it.  I'm already ecstatic about building it, and I'm only looking at motherboards, processors, GPUs' and the likes.

     This turned out to be quite a long post, and I only really covered what's happened in the last two or three days, haha.  Hopefully I'll post more often now that I finally came back and posted something.  Once again, I know there's a lot of the letter "I" but whatever, can't help it...

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