Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bad food and good hours

So one of the drivers that trained me at work is getting promoted to be a manager of some kind at one of the other stores here.  Since he's leaving I'm going to be taking over his hours of 07:00 to 13:00.  Pretty excited about that, but it'll be sad to see him go.  Now I'm going to be working double the amount of time I used to work and with one less driver there that means there'll be more deliveries to go around.

Yesterday I went out to sushi with three other friends.  I got the all you can eat lunch which was pretty good.  The service really sucked for me though, my food didn't come out until everyone else got their second order, and my first order was just unagi sushi and a yellowtail sushi.  So I felt kind of bad because at the end I'm still sitting there eating while everyone else is done because I started much later than them, but whatever.  The last thing I ordered was sea urchin sushi.  I've heard stories about this sushi, but it was way beyond what I had imagined.  It was honestly the worst thing I've ever eaten in my entire life.  It's really hard to describe because I've never had anything remotely like that.  But, according to other people's descriptions, via youtube, it was nothing like what I had.  They described it as tasteless which mine definitely was not.

And I just got a call from one of my dad's friends, Teresa.  I don't talk to my father any more but I always enjoyed seeing Teresa.  She was like a mother to me while I was with my dad.  My uncle called a little before Christmas and told me that her mind isn't what it used to be, so I'm not really sure she realized who she was talking to, but she might have.  She was trying to call my grandfather but somehow she called my house by mistake.  Apparently it's his birthday today, I probably won't call though.  I kind of resent that side of my family, even though most of them didn't do anything bad to me the fact is that wether they realize it or not, they didn't do anything.

Anyway, that's just me keeping up with my blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

So much has happened...

     Yeah, a lot of stuff has gone on.  Not all of it's good stuff...  Kind of unmotivated to type anything for the blog, but I've neglected it for so long I had to bring myself to blog about something, even though nobody even comes here (at least that I know of).

     Every time something happens I'm either too angry or sad to write about it, so I put it off until something else happens.  But then that thing isn't so great to blog about either, so I skip that one too.  It's been a vicious cycle since my last post.

     Work has been going great though.  I'm now the fastest driver in our store which is great because that means I'll get more deliveries while I'm working.  It's hilarious because one of the other drivers was complaining about getting skipped in the rotation and that it should be whoever comes back from a delivery first should get the next one, i.e. a first come first serve basis.  Well, I'll just say that didn't really work out in his favor.  Now I'm getting loaded with deliveries because the people routing us know I can handle several orders in a short period of time.  Sometimes I'll go on a delivery and get back and they won't even realize that I left.  It's awesome.

     Sadly, one of my managers got fired.  Not really sure on the details, or what she's gonna do now.  It's the same lady who gave me all that extra money in my last post.  I did get to give that money back by the way.  Even though she was mean and ruthless, I did like her.  I wanted to be looked upon by her as someone great that she could depend on.  I'm not sure if I achieved that, but that's what I wanted because I knew she'd be the hardest to please out of everyone I was working with.  Kind of like a friends close and enemies closer deal.

     And with my income I'm going to be building a gaming computer.  I want it to be a really high-end machine, something I won't have to worry about upgrading for years to come.  I'm tired of doing stuff on crap machines.  The laptop I'm on now only has 512MB of RAM, it is a hand-me-down but it's still crap, crap I'm grateful to have mind you, haha.  It's gonna be expensive, but I think it'll be worth it, and it'll definitely be future-proof.  When I start getting parts a few months down the road I'm sure there'll be posts about it.  I'm already ecstatic about building it, and I'm only looking at motherboards, processors, GPUs' and the likes.

     This turned out to be quite a long post, and I only really covered what's happened in the last two or three days, haha.  Hopefully I'll post more often now that I finally came back and posted something.  Once again, I know there's a lot of the letter "I" but whatever, can't help it...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Good Day

Well last night at my volunteer "job" if you could even call it that I got to meet lasvegasbarbie, a girl I've watched on youtube.  She was really nice and she asked if I'd like a picture with her which I gladly accepted.  I refunded her tickets she paid, I'd feel bad if I didn't give it back to her.  But that made my night, it was so awesome to meet someone that I follow on youtube out of pure chance.

I feel like I stole money from my deli job today.  As I was checking out today, and turning in all of my driver paperwork so I can get my tips and delivery fees there was a problem.  I should've made $43.00 in tips and gas expense, each delivery gives me $3.00 in cash.  But I ended up taking home $79.00.  What happened was the last delivery I had was paid in cash, and for whatever reason my manager didn't enter it into the computer and counted me as doing only four deliveries instead of five.  So she only gave me $40.00 out of the register and I ended up taking the $39.00 from the cash delivery home.  I tried to give her the $39.00 in the store as I was checking out and she said that it was mine.

She then proceeded to tell me that I need to keep a book stating what I make in tips and how many deliveries I made so I know I don't get short changed by whoever is doing my check out for the day.  Then, she asked how I didn't know she short changed me or how my other co-workers wouldn't screw me over tomorrow.  I was so confused at the time I was like, "alright, well...  I'll see you tomorrow then."  And so I left.

I sat in my car for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what happened because I knew there was no way I made $79.00 today.  I was almost home when I figured it out.  In tips I made $28.00 and in gas expense I made $15.00.  So that's $43.00.  She gave me $40.00 out of the register, meaning she didn't count one of my deliveries, the cash one.  Which is why she wouldn't take the $39.00 I was trying to hand her.  So I ended up with $79.00.  I called her once I got home and she said her register was perfect and that she'd explain it to me tomorrow.

I'm not sure what to do with this money, I've tried twice to give it to her but she won't admit that she's wrong.  I know exactly what happened too.  When she looked at the cash delivery form she put it to the side and never entered it into the computer, which is why her register is showing as perfect.  And that also explains why I was short $3.00 in gas expenses.  But, I'm ahead $39.00, more or less, and I feel like an idiot trying to give back this money after she went through that whole speech about ME needing to keep tabs on MY money during check out when SHE can't keep tabs on HER money that she let me have.  I took the cost of an entire delivery home and she's too blind to even see it.

Now, if I somehow am wrong, which I find hard to believe, then I guess I'm being an annoying idiot who's trying to give back money that he can't keep tabs on.  But, I hate to be arrogant and say, "I'm right, I can completly steal this money because you missed a form that I KNOW you looked at and just put to the side."  But, whatever.

I feel like I'm in a precarious place because even though I'm trying to give the store back its money, I did kind of steal it, so I don't want to get in trouble.  I guess I'll find out what's going to happen tomorrow.  I really think that unless if I force my point that she's going to tell me that she's right again and make me look like an idiot.  Fortunately other co-workers saw me trying to give her the money from the delivery so I have that going for me.  At least they can't say I didn't even present the money for her to take.

Yeah, that was a really long and confusing post.  It took me an hour to finally piece together what had happened and even then it doesn't look like I'll get to give it back.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First Day

So, it was my first day at work today.  I actually wasn't nervous, which was good.  Got aquainted with a several people that I'll be working with.  However, the today was the last day for the girl that trained me, I feel like I'm carrying on in her footsteps or something to that extent.  Learned a ton of stuff, hopefully it'll stick, because I don't want to have to keep asking them what to do over and over.  I worked just short of six hours, but it was a really busy day today, and I feel like I kept myself busy doing stuff for the most part so I wouldn't be standing around like a complete idiot.  All in all I thought it was a good day at work.

On the way home I got stuck behind a semi and me and the car in front of me were trying to merge into the left lane.  She started to move out and I saw a van speeding up to us in the lane we were trying to get into, so I looked at her through her side mirror and shook my head at her indicating, "no," and she shook her head saying, "yes."  The van shot by and she looked at me in the mirror and looked a little shocked.  As we got moving again I pulled up next to her and we shared a good laugh.

After that I got home and quickly rushed to my friends Stanley Kubrick movie class.  They were watching Full Metal Jacket this week, and he's never seen the second half.  I missed the first half, which was fine, I like the second half more.  The first half feels more like comedy, where the second half is much more serious and more deep.

/Begin rant mode/  But, I had a problem while I was parking on the campus to go to the class.  I was told to park at the apartment that my friend stays at on campus, and some lady comes out and starts shouting at me that I can't park there.  I've done it before and visitors are allowed to park there, I even had a paper saying which room I was visiting and who owned the room, but this ignorant bull headed woman wouldn't have any of it.  She was cussing me out, and I'm being really reasonable with her.  She kept going on about how she pays to park there and that the management just had a meeting about this exact situation.  I wasn't even in a numbered spot and there were probably 4 cars parked in this 60+ car parking lot.  I got so fed up with her being ignorant and unreasonable as I was getting in my car I pretty much told her to stuff it, which isn't normally like me.  I left because I was worried she was going to try to tow my car and ended up parking in a far away parking lot.  She told me I could do whatever I want and just leave the car parked there, what I want to do is pour cement in her gas tank.  /End rant mode/

I was having a really good day up until that point, but Full Metal Awesome made up for that.  I even got to run into someone I haven't seen since the beginning of the year after the movie was over.  We caught up pretty quickly since he was tired from his classes and wanted to get home.

Overall today was a great day and hopefully tomorrow will go just as well, minus ignorant parking lot lady.

I know I use the letter "I" a lot, always had that problem in school and was told not to over abuse certain words, "I" being one of them, so apologies for that.  I can't help it though...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Interview and Parking Experience

Well, I handed in all of my paperwork today and in return got; four pamphlets, one 41 page employee manual, and one 13 page driver manual.  Read it all today, I had to take a nap while reading it though.

Also while I was leaving the deli, I got screwed by the parking fees.  Apparently the deli will validate parking for one hour of time, and anything after that must be paid.  So when I give the machine my ticket to leave it says I have an outstanding fine of $3.00.  Now I have to go back in the building to put some money in another machine to pay off the fee.  So I park and go inside to find two guys working on the validation machine downstairs, and so I take the elevator upstairs and the machine up there says its out of order and to go downstairs.  So I do, and the workers were gone when I got there.  I put my ticket in the machine and it says I owe $6.00 now because I've been there for 1 hour and 33 minutes.  So I begrudgingly pay the stupid fee that I got screwed on because I couldn't pay the $3.00 on my way out of the parking lot.  And I can't talk to anyone about it because the whole thing is completely automated, there's no actual people that work for the parking lot.

So far this job has cost me between $70.00 and $80.00 and I haven't even started working yet.  I still need to buy the shoes and slacks that I need, so that's probably going to bring the total to around $100.00.  I'm going to get some gel insoles too, but I'm not really counting that.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear

Just got done watching Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear. I swear, that was probably the best three hours I've spent in a really long time if not my whole adult/political life. The whole thing was really well organized; there were lots of celebrity guests, good music, lots of political undertones, great comedy.  And the best part was the turnout, there were so many people that attended. The National Mall was pretty much packed from the Washington Monument to the Capitol Building. Everyone that had a part in getting the rally set up and participating did a great job and I thank you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So I had my job interview with the deli today.  Everything went great.  The manager was really nice, she explained what I'd be doing and all the paperwork I'd have to get.  She said she'd hire me on to see how I do and that we'd take it from there.  I'm really excited to start working there.

Also, I think the guy I initially gave my application to three weeks ago threw it away because he seemed kinda odd and the lady I talked to today said she couldn't find my application anywhere.  He was some kind of manager or supervisor, not really sure.  Either way, the person at the top for that store liked me and that's all that matters.